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Month: January 2022

What is ERISA?

In 1974, the federal government enacted a law to protect health plans and established retirement plans. The United States Department of Labor enforces the law and it is the Employee Retirement Income Social Security Act, and it provides guidelines to employers that...

Common myths about car insurance

It is no secret that driving on California roads can be scary at times. Insurance coverage is vital whether the vehicle of choice is a car, motorcycle or semi-truck. When an accident happens and one or both parties is injured, that is when insurance will come into...

What is a felony?

If you face criminal charges, you will typically either have a misdemeanor or a felony against you. While they are both criminal in nature, there are differences. California Legislative Information explains felony crimes are generally the more severe type and come...

The elements of insurance fraud

Fraud refers to acts of deception that people commit for financial gain. There are several types of this crime one can commit, one of which is insurance fraud. According to FindLaw, insurance fraud costs Americans as much as $80 billion a year in increased premiums....

What is rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that is characterized by the breakdown and eventual death of the muscles. Though rare, it can be fatal, which is why, if you receive a rhabdomyolysis diagnosis, it is crucial that you take measures to protect your health and life right...

What is rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that is characterized by the breakdown and eventual death of the muscles. Though rare, it can be fatal, which is why, if you receive a rhabdomyolysis diagnosis, it is crucial that you take measures to protect your health and life right...

Does your child have a TBI?

A traumatic brain injury is a close-headed injury that occurs as the result of a sudden blow or blunt force trauma to the head. This type of injury causes damage to the brain and affects the brain cells on either a temporary or permanent basis. If you were in a car...