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Month: May 2022

Do new moms get nursing breaks at work?

Many women are eager to get back into the workforce after giving birth. In this case, their employers must follow rules established by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) when it comes to nursing breaks. It is crucial that employers are aware of their obligations....

How can ladder falls hurt you?

Many people use ladders in their daily life, whether or not it has anything to do with their regular job tasks. Any time someone must reach a balcony, a rain gutter or even a higher shelf, they risk falling. It is important to understand the ways ladder injuries may...

How does harassment manifest digitally?

In the age of digital work and virtual commutes, many problems associated with in-person work environments have fallen by the wayside. At the same time, new problems crop up along with new environments, and this is no exception. Harassment is one of those issues that...