Providing High-Quality Service And Practical Solutions

Month: September 2022

Handling unpaid overtime

Sometimes, your employer may ask you to put in extra time at the office. When you do this, you usually expect to receive overtime. If your employer refuses to provide this pay, he or she could be in violation of California's labor laws. According to the Department of...

Amputation after an accident

A motorcycle accident can leave you with catastrophic injuries. In some situations, doctors may decide that the best course of action is to amputate a wounded limb. Medical complications can sometimes make amputation necessary. According to the Cleveland Clinic, your...

How accurate are breath test devices?

When a California law enforcement official asks you to take a breath test during a traffic stop, quite a bit hangs in the balance. If your breath test indicates that you are under the influence of alcohol, you may face any number of serious penalties, including jail...