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On Behalf of | Apr 4, 2019 | Criminal Defense

New Report Shows Increase in Violent Crime in San Jose

San Jose was once considered one of the safest big cities in the United States. However, a new report shows that while violent crimes have gone down in other places throughout the Bay Area, the number of assaults and batteries committed locally have increased dramatically over the past year. To stop this trend, law enforcement is vowing to be more aggressive in its efforts, both in apprehending suspects and in pressing criminal charges.

San Jose Police Focus on Reducing Violent Crime

Recently released police data shows that San Jose, once known for its low crime rate, has experienced a dramatic six percent increase in violent crimes over the course of 2018.

Local law enforcement officials blame the increase on the department’s struggle to rebuild after losing a significant number of officers in the aftermath of pension reforms. Over the past 10 years, the San Jose PD has lost more than 20 percent of its officers, reducing the force from 1,400 to just over 1,000 officers. As a result, there are slower response times when crimes are reported and a lesser likelihood of apprehensions.

The San Jose Police Chief has vowed to change that over the coming years by assigning more officers to street detail where they can more quickly respond to calls. By targeting specific areas where violent crimes have been a problem, making more arrests, and working with prosecutors in obtaining convictions, the chief hopes to reduce these incidents and reclaim San Jose’s status as one of the safest cities over the course of the year.

More Aggressive Tactics Likely to Bring More Arrests and Convictions

As public pressure mounts, more aggressive tactics on the part of local law enforcement officials is likely to bring more arrests for violent crimes and more convictions on these charges. For alleged offenders and those facing court hearings, having a strong legal defense should be a top priority. Prosecutors will want to appear as taking a tough stand on violent crimes, which could result in more severe penalties.

Under the California Penal Code, crimes against the person include assault and battery, which could be charged as a felony offense:

  • Assault is an unlawful intent to commit a violent act against another person;
  • Battery is the unlawful or willful use of violence and force; and
  • Aggravated assault or battery is when there are extenuating circumstances involved, such as the use of a deadly weapon, causing life-threatening injuries, or committing this type of crime against a minor or another vulnerable person.

When facing these charges, there is the very real possibility of heavy fines and a potentially lengthy jail sentence.

Contact a San Jose, CA Violent Crime Lawyer Today

The Jachimowicz Law Group provides the strong legal defense you need when facing charges related to violent crimes. To get our team fighting on your side, call 408-550-1732 or reach out to our dedicated San Jose, CA assault and battery attorneys online and request a free consultation today.
