California tort law helps victims of injury recover damages from at-fault parties. A common type of personal injury is a traumatic brain injury, which the Center for Disease Control estimates at 2.5 million cases annually.
Overview of TBI and stats
The CDC ranks personal injury as the leading cause of unintentional death in the United States. CDC stats also estimates TBIs as the second leading cause of prevalent disability in the U.S.
A TBI is caused by a severe blow to the head damaging brain tissue, commonly caused by falls, gunshots, violence, or auto accidents. TBIs can happen to anyone, but some groups are more susceptible, such as service members, the homeless, the elderly, and children. Stats from 2013 show TBIs from vehicle crashes caused the most deaths in ages 5-24 and the top cause of hospitalization for ages 15-44.
Types of TBI
A TBI ranges from mild to more severe, and recovery depends on the type and the severity. A closed TBI means the head doesn’t get penetrated or broken, caused by forceful jerking. An open TBI penetrates or breaks the skull, usually caused by bullets or a sharp object.
The fast motion of the impact may jar the brain, tearing neuronal axons, or nerve cells, and brain tissue. An example of a mild TBI includes a concussion, which may or may not cause loss of awareness. Some symptoms of a concussion usually include nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and balance problems.
Another type of TBI is a diffuse axonal injury, which damages the nerve fibers from the brain shifting. It commonly causes headaches, dizziness, confusion, and longer sleep times.
No matter the severity, a TBI can have lasting emotional and physical effects. Victims may seek compensation from at-fault parties under personal injury law.