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What is a traumatic brain injury?

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2022 | Personal Injury

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can result from numerous occurrences, including falling accidents and car crashes. While mild injuries usually entail a speedy recovery, more serious issues can result in the need for ongoing medical care and rehabilitation.

TBIs can occur when you least expect them, so you must know how head injuries affect you and your health. Here are a few key points to consider if you or a loved one has received a serious TBI.

Symptoms of TBI

The specific symptoms a person experiences after TBI depend on the severity of the injury. In mild cases, headache, dizziness, fatigue, and nausea are common. These symptoms require minimal treatment, typically bed rest and over-the-counter pain medication. When it comes to moderate or severe injuries, people experience these symptoms as well as additional health problems.

For example, a person may lose consciousness for an extended period of time. They may also experience a more severe headache that only grows worse as time goes on. Weakness in the extremities can also occur, as can significant nausea and vomiting. These symptoms require immediate medical treatment to prevent even more severe issues.

Possible treatments

Different treatments can address different stages of TBI. For instance, emergency surgery might be necessary to address bleeding and skull fractures. Doctors can also administer medication to reduce swelling and prevent seizures.

As for long-term treatment, many people with severe TBI require ongoing therapy and rehabilitation. These treatments can help a person recover some of their strength and abilities after a serious injury. Or they might need occupational therapy, which helps people lead full lives while also dealing with limitations.

Keep in mind that it might not be possible to restore a person’s former condition after TBI. The goal is to provide the right level of therapeutic support to ensure a good quality of life.