A head injury to any part of the brain can cause significant struggles for the victim and a complex recovery period.
The potential effects a victim may see will often depend heavily on the area injured, though. Thus, knowing more about these unique effects can help prepare a person to handle their own head injury.
Components of the frontal lobe
Physiopedia talks about injuries to the frontal lobe of the brain. This area of the brain includes several lobes and cortexes which control numerous important emotional, physical and mental aspects of a victim.
The components of the frontal lobe include the motor and premotor cortexes, Broca’s Area, the prefrontal cortex, the frontal eye fields and the supplementary motor cortex. Together, these parts of the brain make up a total of a third of the brain’s weight.
They also contribute significantly to major things like impulse control, critical thinking, behavioral management, physical mobility and motion, eye motion, memory, executive functions and the ability to concentrate.
Impacts to a victim
Many of the impacts related to frontal lobe injuries reflect these areas of control thusly. For example, loved ones of frontal lobe injury victims commonly report that their loved one lashes out, seems easier to anger and irritate, and says or does hurtful things that feel wildly out of character.
Victims also often struggle with memory loss and reorganization. Though victims often recover memory as they heal, some people have to permanently alter parts of their life to accommodate for their memory changes.
These issues lead to numerous frustrations and difficulties in the lives of victims, no matter what degree of pain they suffer from.