A breath test usually follows the field sobriety test during a traffic stop on suspicion of DUI. You might assume that a breath test is nothing to worry about but there are a few instances when your breath test results may be inaccurate.
Recognize the most common things that might disrupt the results of your breath test so that you can build a rational defense.
Medical conditions
Certain medical conditions can affect the results of a breath test. Diabetes, particularly poorly controlled diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis, can cause changes in your body chemistry that lead to false breath test results. Reflux conditions and similar gastric disorders can lead to false results as well.
Dental appliances
Few people consider the effect that dental appliances have on breath tests. Any food particles trapped under a dental appliance may absorb alcohol when you drink. This could lead to concentrated alcohol levels in a breath test.
Chemical exposure
If you work in an industry where you have consistent chemical exposure, such as acetone, the concentration could trigger a breath test. Remember that breath tests are incapable of discriminating between different types of alcohol or isopropanol, which is a byproduct of acetone exposure. This inability to differentiate between them leads to false positives from a breath test.
Understanding the most common reasons for a false breath test result helps you recognize any potential reasons for your failed test. This information may help you build a solid defense against your DUI charges if you can identify the reason for your failed test.