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What insurance kicks in after a bicycle/car accident?

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2023 | in Personal Injury

If you were involved in a bicycle accident that involved a motor vehicle, you may wonder, whose insurance pays for the damage? More specifically, what type of insurance applies?

The rules and regulations regarding insurance coverage after a bicycle-motor vehicle crash can be tricky. Progressive attempts to clarify things by explaining which party’s insurance coverage kicks in after a collision between a bicycle and a vehicle.

When the cyclist is at-fault

If, following a bicycle-car accident, the deciding parties determine that you, the cyclist, are at fault, your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy should kick in to cover damage to the driver’s vehicle and his or her injuries. For help paying for your own medical expenses, your health insurance coverage should suffice. If your bike sustained damage, you may be able to file a claim against a rider policy on your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance coverage.

When the driver is at fault

If the driver caused your accident, the driver’s car insurance coverage should cover both the cost of property damage to your bike and your medical expenses. The driver’s policy should also pay for other economic and non-economic damages.

Say, however, that the driver did not have insurance at the time of the accident. In this case, you may have to file a claim against your own homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy and/or health insurance company. If your damages are extensive, you may consider suing the at-fault driver for damages.

Crashes involving motor vehicles and bicycles can make for tricky insurance situations. For this reason, if you were party to such an accident, the best thing you can do for your case is to seek guidance from an experienced bicycle accident lawyer.