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Drive responsibly: A guide to avoiding DUI charges

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2024 | DUI

Getting behind the wheel after a few drinks can be a risky move, but it’s a risk that many people take every day. Unfortunately, the consequences of a driving under the influence (DUI) charge can be severe.

Fortunately, for most drivers, it doesn’t have to come to that. With some planning and awareness, you can significantly reduce your chances of facing a DUI charge. In this blog, we’ll explore the most effective ways to stay safe, avoid common mistakes, and make smart choices to help you avoid charges.

How to not drink and drive

To avoid getting into trouble, you must stay proactive. Start by planning and designating a sober driver or arranging a safe ride home. Knowing your limits is also crucial – be honest about how much you can handle and pace yourself accordingly.

Keeping track of your drinks and the time you’ve been drinking is also vital. Try alternating between alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages, like water or soda, to help you stay in control.

Other strategies to avoid DUI trouble include eating while drinking, as food can slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. It’s also important to avoid mixing alcohol with other drugs, including prescription medication, as this can increase impairment and lead to dangerous situations.

Additionally, remember that even if you feel fine the morning after drinking, your blood alcohol content may still be above the legal limit. Factors like your weight, gender and the amount of alcohol you consumed can affect how long it takes for your body to clear the alcohol.

Staying DUI-free in California

It is always better to err on the side of caution when talking about alcohol and driving. So next time you’re out with friends or enjoying a night in the town, make the smart choice: designate a sober driver, call a ride-sharing service, or wait until you’re sober before getting behind the wheel.