Any significant car crash has the potential to cause major financial hardship. Individuals injured in collisions may have to purchase new vehicles, undergo medical care and take time away from work to recover.
Motorcycle riders are at greater risk of catastrophic injuries and fatalities in a collision scenario than those operating enclosed vehicles. After all, motorcycles do very little to protect the human body from the trauma of a collision. Even those who have the best safety gear and heavy bikes could end up in the hospital or worse after a driver causes a crash.
Those involved in a motorcycle collision may expect to seek compensation from the party at fault. Insurance can be a means of covering basic expenses. However, they may end up needing to look for other sources of compensation, as insurance may not be able to offer them the support they need.
Why isn’t insurance enough?
In some cases, motorcycle riders or their grieving family members can’t make an insurance claim at all. The driver at fault for the crash may not have had the coverage required by law. Even if they do carry insurance, the coverage mandated by the state could fall far short of the expenses generated by the wreck.
California only requires $15,000 in property damage coverage. That may not be enough to replace a motorcycle that isn’t safe to ride another. If there are injuries, which is likely, the possibility of insurance falling short increases.
In a crash involving one injured person, a policy only needs to provide $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage. That doubles in cases involving two or more injured people. $30,000 may not be nearly enough to cover trauma care costs, let alone future medical expenses and lost wages.
Those coping with major injuries or the life-altering expenses of a loved one dying prematurely may have to look into other options for compensation. Specifically, they may need to take legal action. Litigation seeking damages from the party at fault and possibly also third-party businesses can sometimes help.
Pursuing compensation through a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit can potentially help people hold the right parties accountable for the economic consequences of a motorcycle crash. Those who understand why insurance might not be enough can look at policy information and get the support they need to pursue other options if necessary.