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Workplace discrimination affects almost 50% of LGBGTQ workers

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2022 | employee rights

Many people across California face some type of discrimination while at work, but studies show that LGBTQ employees are particularly at risk. While LGBTQ workers of all races face higher rates of discrimination than their peers who identify as straight, LGBTQ workers of color are even more likely to fall victim to workplace discrimination.

According to NBC News, a study involving more than 900 LGBTQ employees across the United States revealed that 46% of them have faced on-the-job discrimination during their careers. Another one in 10 LGBTQ workers also reports having experienced employment bias within the last year.

Discrimination rates among LGBTQ workers

Workplace discrimination manifests in many ways. About 18% of today’s LGBTQ workers say they lost out on job opportunities because of their sexual preferences or how they identify. Another 26% said they have experienced verbal harassment while at work. Another 9% said they had experienced layoffs because of their LGBTQ status, while more than a quarter of LGBTQ workers said they had experienced sexual harassment at work.

Discrimination rates among LGBTQ workers of color

LGBTQ workers of color experience workplace discrimination at even higher rates than white LGBTQ workers. About 36% of LGBTQ workers of color say they have experienced verbal harassment at work. Another 29% of LGBTQ workers of color also said they had lost out on job opportunities because of who they were or how they identified.

The United States has laws in place that prohibit most employers from discriminating against workers due to sexual orientation or gender identity. Workers who do face this unfair treatment in the workplace may have legal recourse.