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Should job interviewers ask you for personal information?

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2023 | employee rights, in Employment

If you find you have lost a job promotion that should have been yours or worse, your employer has terminated your job, you probably wonder why your workplace would take such actions against you. This is a good time to think about the questions you answered during your initial job interview.

Some employers use personal characteristics to discriminate against employees or even fire them. This is illegal under federal law. If you are dealing with unlawful discrimination, consider if your employer could have acquired information about you from interview questions.

How interviewers can cross a line

A job interview should focus on your qualifications for the position you seek, such as your education and ability to perform the duties of the job. It is when an interviewer starts to question you on matters concerning your personal life that the interview takes a wrong turn.

Personal questions are not exactly illegal to ask, but the information gained from them could factor into decisions to give you the job or guide your employment as time goes on. This can qualify as illegal activity.

Information you should not provide

There are many personal questions a job interviewer should refrain from asking. You should not have to tell an interviewer your age, marital status, sexual orientation, or anything concerning your national or racial background. Additionally, you do not have to say whether you have children or plan to have any.

Personal questions may seem innocent to you, or you might feel you should answer any inquiry from an interviewer. The truth is that you have no obligation to give information that does not pertain to the job you want. This is important to keep in mind if you believe your workplace has violated your civil rights.