Providing High-Quality Service And Practical Solutions

San Jose Drug Charges Defense Lawyer

Santa Clara Criminal Defense For Drug Cases Attorney

Our San Jose drug crimes defense lawyers have defended countless individuals facing drug charges and drug-related offenses. Our lawyers are licensed to practice in both state and federal courts, so regardless of where your case is charged, we can provide a vigorous defense. Whether you face manufacturing/growing, distributing or importing drug charges, we are on your side.

The Patriot Act has made it easier for law enforcement to conduct searches. If you have been arrested, or even if you are only being investigated, seek out a law firm that understands how police obtain evidence and knows how to protect your Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure.

Several of our criminal defense lawyers at Jachimowicz Law Group worked in law enforcement prior to joining our firm. We have had many drug cases dismissed due to illegal search and seizure and lack of probable cause to stop.

If you have been arrested on a drug-related offense or on a medical marijuana charge, talk with an attorney who understands how the police and district attorney operate. We defend people charged with these and other drug-related offenses:

We handle cases involving cocaine, crack, heroin, illegal or medicinal marijuana, steroids, pain killers, methamphetamine, Rohypnol, club drugs like MDMA (ecstasy), and hallucinogens (mushrooms, LSD).

Diversion Programs In Northern California

Securing a positive outcome only solves half the problem our clients face. Addiction is often a significant factor for many of our clients. We will research your eligibility for available drug programs such as the Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ) program and the Prop. 36 program.

If you can participate in one of these programs, not only can you avoid jail time, but you may also be able to work and support your family, and your criminal charges may be dismissed upon completion. In many cases, we have persuaded the court to allow our clients to take classes and avoid jail even though the prosecutor did not agree.

Contact A Santa Clara County Drug Offenses Lawyer To Discuss Your Case

If you have been or are about to be charged with a drug-related crime, contact or call a San Jose drug lawyer at 408-550-1732 immediately. There is never a charge for your initial in-office conference with us. At that conference, the facts and defense of your case are discussed as well as the fee we will charge. In most cases, payment plans can be arranged.

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