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Holding Landlords And Construction Companies Accountable When Balconies Are Unsafe

Each year hundreds of individuals suffer severe injuries or death as a result of a collapsed balcony, deck or porch. Many of these tragedies could have been avoided with greater attention paid to safety by property owners and construction companies.

A construction company may have been negligent and may have used unsafe materials. They may have ignored safety protocols. A property management company or a building owner may not have maintained their property effectively. If a balcony collapsed, injuring you or your loved ones, you deserve justice and compensation.

Jachimowicz Law Group is a San Jose law firm that helps injury victims recover maximum compensation for their medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and other losses. If you need a San Jose balcony collapse lawyer for an unsafe balcony lawsuit, call us now for a free consultation with attorneys who have decades of experience in personal injury cases and premises liability lawsuits throughout Northern California: 408-550-1732.

Premises Liability, Construction Defects And Dangerous Balconies

California law states that the owner of a commercial or residential property has the duty to maintain the premises in a way that minimizes risk of injury to visitors. Many homeowners and businesses fail to monitor the weight load on their decks and balconies, sometimes with devastating consequences. Other times, construction defects that should have been detected by the builder lead to catastrophe.

Some of the many causes of deck & balcony collapse include:

  • Failure to connect the deck to the main building or structure
  • Failure to install weather stripping between main structure and balcony
  • Failure to monitor maximum weight loads
  • Negligent construction and use of unsafe materials
  • Negligent maintenance

The injuries sustained in a deck or balcony collapse can be catastrophic and life changing. On many occasions, they can be life ending. But even if the victim survives a balcony collapse, they may need lifelong medical care, adaptations to their home and vehicle and may have to significantly adjust their career aspirations and personal goals. Those responsible for the balcony collapse should be held accountable for the serious injuries sustained by victims. Typical injuries sustained in balcony collapses include:

If you or a loved one have suffered an injury because of a deck or balcony collapse, contact our lawyers. We offer free consultations and we collect nothing unless we win your case through settlement or verdict.

Your Resource Throughout Recovery

We will fight for justice and pursue maximum compensation on your behalf. Call Jachimowicz Law Group today for a free consultation. Personal injury cases are taken on a contingency basis so you pay no fee until we secure compensation for you. We serve San Jose and surrounding area.