Defending Against False Accusations
At the law offices of Jachimowicz Law Group, we represent those in Santa Clara County and San Jose who have been falsely accused of domestic violence, spousal abuse or child abuse. The consequences of a false domestic violence allegation can be devastating. In California, you don’t even need to have touched a partner, spouse or parent of your child to be arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. Police have an incentive to make a domestic violence arrest if they are called to a residence following an accusation of domestic violence because they can face a misdemeanor for failing to act.
This means that you are considered guilty from the moment the domestic violence accusation is leveled against you. Even if someone falsely accuses you of domestic violence, once the wheels are in motion, you will be defending yourself against the resulting charges. The result is enormous monetary costs in the form of bail, court fees, fines and restitution. Consequences can also include jail, probation and anger management classes. Domestic violence charges and convictions can also result in orders to stay away from your children and changes to your custody and visitation arrangements.
Types Of Restraining Orders In California
Stay-away orders keep you a certain distance away from your accuser, the accuser’s home or workplace, the accuser’s vehicle, and other places where the accuser often goes. A stay-away order will also keep you away from any children you have with the accuser as it restricts you to a certain distance from the children’s home, school and place of child care.
A kick-out or move-out order forces people accused of domestic violence or elder abuse to move out of the residence they share with their accuser.
Personal conduct restraining orders limit the behavior of the person accused of domestic violence. The accused person is told to stop contacting, attacking, stalking, threatening, sexually assaulting or harassing the protected person, or disturbing the peace or destroying the property of the protected person.
Having one or more restraining orders brought against you will lead to serious consequences. Your movements will be restricted, you may have to move out of your home and you may not be able to see your children. Your ability to own a gun and your immigration status may also be affected. If you disobey the restraining order, you could face fines and jail time. If you have a restraining order leveled against you, contact a qualified domestic violence defense attorney.
Our Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys Will Be On Your Side
Even if you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, you can face life-changing consequences, which is why it is important to speak with an experienced domestic violence defense attorney as soon as you have been accused of or arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. At the law offices of Jachimowicz Law Group, we can help protect your rights. We will aim to have the charges against you reduced or dismissed. Contact us or call 408-550-1732 for a free initial consultation. We defend clients throughout Northern California including San Jose, Santa Clara and the San Francisco Bay Area.
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